Kung fu fighting xD,

this page is incomplete at the moment but will expand as i learn more html!

Josh Buker (me) is currently fasnated by: Anime, HTML, and Cats.
As for the Anime I usely like suren pictures and love goop that no one wants to hear about. ;) Also, I love to make web sites using html (as most would have noticed by now xD) even though I'm brand new at it. But when I'm not at school or watching anime I ether play with my dog or look up some funny cat pics.
If you wish to talk to me I useually check my gaia acc (html ftw) every few days so you can go to gaiaonline there and add me as a friend or if its a private matter I can be reached at Joshpie0017@gmail.com

All the links for my web site.